Feb 2nd Happy Groundhogs Day!
Here are the payouts for the pools
Second Season
1st $170
2nd $120
3rd $ 85
4th $ 55
5th $ 30
10th and 20th both get their money back ($10)
Playoff Blitz
1st $130
2nd $ 95
3rd $ 65
4th $ 40
5th $ 20
Jan 4, 2016:
Happy New Year!
Welcome back for the 24th version of my NFL Playoff pools.
This year I found a couple of websites that will help with the majority of the commissioner duties. With these websites, we'll now have real-time scoring for all users and potentially easier navigation between web pages. Please note as a result of these changes, the pools will have a few rule changes.
Hold 'em
For this year's Hold 'em pool the same basic principle will apply. you will select one player from each team. The starting line will be a little different (2 QB, 3RB, 3WR, 2TE, a K and a Def) The scoring is available on the website which can be found using the following link:
http://thesecondseason.com/football/user_type.php |
Once you've reached this page, click to 'Join an existing league'.
The League ID # is 1784 and the league password is 'BMackRules' You may use whatever team name you wish to use,
The New Pool
I could not find a commissioner services that offers a Multiplier pool similar to the one we've used for the last several years, so I'm switching the format.
The new pool will consist of a starting lineup (1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 1K and a Def). The highlight of this pool is that each week you will start a new lineup, however you can only use a player one time during the four weeks of the playoffs.
Here's the link to sign up for this pool:
https://www.playoffblitz.com/join/864 |
League Fees
Please remember, all league fees are due before the divisional round games start. I don't have time to hunt down payments nor do I enjoy sending numerous repetitive emails in an effort to collect $10 from a couple of slow payers. If you can't pay in a timely manner, don't pay. If the collection process drags on again, you may get banned from future pools.
Feel free to enter multiple lineups and also recruit friends to join the pool.
Please do pay in a timely manner
Either mail your entry fees:
Brian Mackenthun
8200 Kelzer Pond Drive
Victoria MN 55386
or use PayPal Macke35@yahoo.com. If you use PayPal, please add a $1 to cover the fees.
Good Luck,